Weekly Scorecard 12-6-10

By George Thurtle

Inventories continue down but also so does the sales volume.  A couple of notable numbers. The first is there were 13 closed sales in South Bellevue this week a pretty high number when compared to the activity in other areas. The other noteworthy number is that the East Bellevue inventories are down to an all time low of 204 homes. This number had peaked at 297 homes in July. The other trend this week as the lack of highend sales. In weeks prior there was a number of highend over $1,000,000 sales in all market areas but that does not appear to be the case this week. As a result it drove the overall per sq. ft. numbers to some pretty low levels.

The monthly ststa ore in so check them out.

The spreadsheet is here: Weekly scorecard 12-6-10

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