Distressed Inventory Report 11-28-09
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and is enjoying some relaxing time. will keep it short and sweet. Still seeing numbers gradually increasing as to the amount of distressed inventory. In West Bellevue and South Bellevue. The overall invetory was up slightly but most signigicant the NTS/Foreclosure ratio also went up slightly. If you remember the previous weeks there was a trend with increasing inventories but a falling NTS/Foreclosure ratio that appears to be coming into line. The East Bellevue numbers were a little confusing. Their overall inventory fell by one home but their NTS.Foreclosure ratio went back up slightly. Again this is counter-intuitive and we will have to see what trend develops over the few weeks.
Clink on the link for the spreadsheet. Bellevue Foreclosure Report 11-28-09